Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Pathway discovered that prevents buildup of Alzheimer's protein

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists have discovered a pathway that functions like a car wash to prevent the buildup of a toxic protein associated with Alzheimer's disease. The report appeared online today in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Why Hodgkin's lymphoma cells grow uncontrollably

Although classical Hodgkin's lymphoma is generally easily treatable today, many aspects of the disease still remain a mystery. A team at the Max Delbrück Center led by Professor Claus Scheidereit has now identified an important ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists compare methods of drug delivery to malignant tumors

A team of biologists from Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and Lobachevsky University (Nizhny Novgorod) has analyzed available methods of targeted drug delivery to malignant tumors. Individual approaches to ...

Oncology & Cancer

Hindering melanoma metastasis with an FDA-approved drug

For cancer to spread, it needs a hospitable environment in distant organs. This fertile "soil" can provide a home to circulating malignant cells. Recent research has shown that cancer cells from the primary tumor can help ...

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