Psychology & Psychiatry

Lower income dads active in their kids' health

Lower-income, urban dads are involved in their children's health and encourage them to exercise and eat healthy foods, reports a new study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. But these same dads may ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study finds clients want real love from sex workers

While it is commonly believed that men who pay for sex are attempting to avoid emotional commitment, a new study finds that men who become regular clients of sex workers often develop feelings of romance and love. This study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sexist and anti-gay jokes: It's all about men feeling threatened

Why do some men crack sexist and anti-gay jokes or find them funny, while others do not? According to Emma O'Connor of the Western Carolina University in the US, such disparaging jokes are a way for some men to reaffirm their ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How much of a man are you? Being online can change that

How masculine are you? This might seem a fairly simple question, especially if you're asked to fill out a simple ten-question survey investigating traits such as "aggressive" and "forceful".

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Be a man': Why some men respond aggressively to threats to manhood

When their manhood is threatened, some men respond aggressively, but not all. New research from Duke University suggests who may be most triggered by such threats—younger men whose sense of masculinity depends heavily on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

On first instinct, women are more altruistic than men

Women are intuitively more altruistic than men, even women who identify with traditionally masculine traits such as power, dominance, and independence, a new Yale-led meta-analysis of 22 studies shows.

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