Psychology & Psychiatry

Creativity, a mating boost for the unattractive male

In the ruthless world of the mating game, plain-looking men instinctively know that being funny, smart or poetic helps to compensate for a less-than-stellar exterior.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Jane Austen, evolutionary psychologist

Last year, the Bank of England announced that a sketch of Jane Austen will replace Charles Darwin on the ten-pound note. Austen is one of the most popular authors of fiction; her works have been translated into more than ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Genders differ dramatically in evolved mate preferences

Men's and women's ideas of the perfect mate differ significantly due to evolutionary pressures, according to a cross-cultural study on multiple mate preferences by psychologists at The University of Texas at Austin.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why parents think your partner isn't good enough

It is common for parents to influence mate choice—from arranged marriages to more subtle forms of persuasion—but they often disagree with their children about what makes a suitable partner. A new study has found an evolutionary ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender equality influences how people choose their partners

Men and women clearly have different strategies for picking sexual partners, but the reason why differences exist is less clear. The classic explanation for these differences has been that men's and women's brains have evolved ...


Video: Social interactions and the brain

Many animals, from insects to humans, are social. Their brains have evolved to be sensitive to sensory cues that carry social information, such as: speech sounds, pheromones and visual cues. But very little is known about ...


Brain adds cells in puberty to navigate adult world

The brain adds new cells during puberty to help navigate the complex social world of adulthood, two Michigan State University neuroscientists report in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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