
Smartphone swabs provide convenient toxicology testing

A simple and convenient method to collect drug use data from the surface of a smartphone has been revealed for the first time in a new study published in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). By helping clinicians ...


FDA asked to consider party drug MDMA as treatment for PTSD

A California company has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve MDMA, the active ingredient in party drugs like molly and ecstasy, as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Psychology & Psychiatry

How drugs can warp your sense of time

Imagine a world where you could control your sense of time. Where trips to the dentist flew by in a second and holidays felt like they lasted forever. Time altering pills may sound like science fiction but the time warping ...


Review of efficacy and safety of novel MDXX analogs

A new review in the journal Psychedelic Medicine describes the complex pharmacology of methylenedioxy amphetamine analogs, or MDXX drugs, and how they may help treat autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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