Medical economics

New AI technique significantly boosts Medicare fraud detection

Medicare is sporadically compromised by fraudulent insurance claims. These illicit activities often go undetected, allowing full-time criminals and unscrupulous health providers to exploit weaknesses in the system. Last year, ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

How chronic knee osteoarthritis pain affects cognitive function

New research suggests that chronic knee pain caused by osteoarthritis does not cause cognitive impairment in isolation, indicating that other factors like age, pain medication and socio-economic factors are likely to play ...


FDA still skeptical of ALS drug ahead of high-stakes meeting

Federal health regulators remain unconvinced about the benefits of a closely watched experimental drug for the debilitating illness known as Lou Gehrig's disease, even as they prepare to give its drugmaker a rare second opportunity ...


Vitamin K shows evidence of brain benefits in rats

In a new study conducted in rats, scientists report evidence that vitamin K could help protect against aging-related cognitive declines associated with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

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