Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Symptoms of the body and the mind found to be frequent fellow travelers

Chronic pain is often accompanied by depression and anxiety. In an invited commentary published in JAMA Network Open, Kurt Kroenke, M.D., of Regenstrief Institute and Indiana University School of Medicine, discusses the relationship ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even psychological placebos have an effect

Placebo effects do not only occur in medical treatment—placebos can also work when psychological effects are attributed to them. Psychologists from the University of Basel reported these findings in the journal Scientific ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds anxiety linked to chest pain in children

(Medical Xpress)—Psychological factors can have as much—or more—impact on pediatric chest pain as physical ones, a University of Georgia study found recently. UGA psychologists discovered pediatric patients diagnosed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxious searchers miss multiple objects

A person scanning baggage or X-rays stands a better chance of seeing everything they're searching for if they aren't feeling anxious, according to a new laboratory experiment.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research offers hope and reassurance for adults with eating disorders

New Curtin University research has found an inpatient treatment approach can help adults with eating disorders improve not only their physical health, but also their psychological health. The research is published in the ...

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