Oncology & Cancer

Q&A: Pain management during colonoscopy

Dear Mayo Clinic: I just turned 50, and my health care provider recommends that I get a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. I want to have the test done, but as a recovering addict, I don't want pain medication. Is this ...


USPSTF: insufficient evidence to screen for atrial fibrillation

(HealthDay)—There is insufficient evidence to support screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) with electrocardiography (ECG) in older, asymptomatic patients, according to a U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) final ...


AMA opposes proposed cuts, gag orders for reproductive health

(HealthDay)—The American Medical Association (AMA) strongly objects to the Trump administration's plan to withhold federal family planning funding from Planned Parenthood and other entities, according to a statement released ...

Oncology & Cancer

Speeding up cancer screening with mobile technology

Delivering breast cancer screening results in a day instead of today's standard two weeks is being proposed by an ESA incubator start-up company using paperless technology and online image transfers. Screening vans are already ...

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