Medical research

Reproducing pediatric kidney disease from human iPS cells

Scientists in Japan have found a "skeleton key" for congenital kidney disease research. Using iPS cells generated from the skin cells of a patient with a nephrin mutation, Kumamoto University scientists have successfully ...

Oncology & Cancer

How are pulsed electric fields being used in cancer therapy?

Pulsed electric fields are helping fight cancer, whether by inducing tumor cell death or by stimulating the immune system. A comprehensive overview of this developing field is published in the preview issue of Bioelectricity.


Neurons absorb and release water when firing, study suggests

Neurons absorb and release water when they relay messages throughout the brain, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. Tracking this water movement with imaging technology ...


A new approach for finding Alzheimer's treatments

Considering what little progress has been made finding drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, Maikel Rheinstädter decided to come at the problem from a totally different angle—perhaps the solution lay not with the peptide ...

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