Psychology & Psychiatry

For older adults, volunteering could improve brain function

Older adults worried about losing their cognitive functions could consider volunteering as a potential boost, according to a University of Missouri researcher. While volunteering and its associations with physical health ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

The link between memory perceptions and Alzheimer's risk

Over 20 percent of older adults suffer from subjective memory impairment, where a person reports having trouble remembering things with no evidence of actual memory loss. Now Penn State researchers are looking into the growing ...


Education does not protect against cognitive decline

A European-wide study published today in the journal Neuroepidemiology has found that whilst older people with a higher level of education have better memory function, it does not protect them from cognitive decline as they ...


Here's what we can learn from people with synaesthesia

Imagine what the world would be like if numbers had specific spatial locations, music had shapes, or colours made sounds. Perhaps you'd experience the bass in the Jamie xx track Gosh as cuboid, metallic and heavy, with spiralling ...

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