
Here's what we can learn from people with synaesthesia

Imagine what the world would be like if numbers had specific spatial locations, music had shapes, or colours made sounds. Perhaps you'd experience the bass in the Jamie xx track Gosh as cuboid, metallic and heavy, with spiralling ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Another failure in search for treatment to slow Alzheimer's

An experimental treatment for Alzheimer's failed again in a widely anticipated study, disappointing many who had hoped drugmaker Eli Lilly had finally found a way to slow the progression of the mind-robbing disease.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Smell test may predict early stages of Alzheimer's disease

Researchers from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), New York State Psychiatric Institute, and NewYork-Presbyterian reported that an odor identification test may prove useful in predicting cognitive decline and detecting ...


Older and younger adults surf different brain waves

Cognitive scientists have found more evidence that aging brains work differently than younger brains when performing the same memory task, pointing to a potentially new direction for age-related cognitive care and exploration.


How obesity makes memory go bad

University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers are probing how obesity makes memory goes bad, and the underlying molecular mechanism that drives this decline.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cognitive training effects differ by older adult's education level

The first study to investigate the effects of cognitive training on the cognitive functioning of older adults by education level has found that individuals with fewer than 12 years of schooling benefit more from cognitive ...

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