Autism spectrum disorders

Analysing the way children sleep could help us to understand autism

On average, humans spend roughly a third of their lives asleep. This might sound like quite a long time, but sleep has been shown to be vital for "normal" human functioning. Without enough sleep, things go downhill for most ...


Scientists study Pavlovian conditioning in neural networks

In the decades following the work by physiologist Ivan Pavlov and his famous salivating dogs, scientists have discovered how molecules and cells in the brain learn to associate two stimuli, like Pavlov's bell and the resulting ...


Brain cells show teamwork in short-term memory

Nerve cells in our brains work together in harmony to store and retrieve short-term memory, and are not solo artists as previously thought, Western-led brain research has determined.

Medical research

Possible new method for treating autism and memory disorders

Scientists at the Tomsk State University exploring myokines, proteins that are produced in the muscles during physical activities, have found that these active agents enhance human cognitive function. Scientists hope to use ...


Brain stimulation used like a scalpel to improve memory

Northwestern Medicine scientists showed for the first time that non-invasive brain stimulation can be used like a scalpel, rather than like a hammer, to cause a specific improvement in precise memory.


Sleep helps process traumatic experiences

If we sleep in the first 24 hours after a traumatic experience, this may help process and integrate the distressing memories more effectively, as researchers from the University of Zurich and the Psychiatric University Hospital ...

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