Medical research

New perspective needed for role of major Alzheimer's gene

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists' picture of how a gene strongly linked to Alzheimer's disease harms the brain may have to be revised, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Sleep loss precedes Alzheimer's symptoms

Sleep is disrupted in people who likely have early Alzheimer's disease but do not yet have the memory loss or other cognitive problems characteristic of full-blown disease, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine ...


Pot use-low IQ link challenged in study

(HealthDay)—A new analysis challenges previous research that suggested teens put their long-term brainpower in danger when they smoke marijuana heavily.


Brain waves encode rules for behavior

One of the biggest puzzles in neuroscience is how our brains encode thoughts, such as perceptions and memories, at the cellular level. Some evidence suggests that ensembles of neurons represent each unique piece of information, ...

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