Psychology & Psychiatry

Older adults are more easily distracted, shows study

While engaged in a physical task requiring effort, such as driving a car or carrying grocery bags, older adults are more likely than younger adults to be distracted by items irrelevant to the task at hand, reports a study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How your brain decides what to think

You're sitting on the plane, staring out of the window at the clouds and all of a sudden, you think back to how a few months ago, you had a heart-to-heart with a good colleague about the pressure you experience at work. How ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we remember emotional events better than non-emotional ones?

Most people remember emotional events—like their wedding day—very clearly, but researchers are not sure how the human brain prioritizes emotional events in memory. In a study published on January 16, 2023 in Nature Human ...

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