
Functional MRI reveals memory in sleeping toddlers

Our ability to remember past events develops rapidly in the first couple of years of life, but it's not clear exactly how this happens. Researchers at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis have ...


Forgetfulness might depend on time of day

Can't remember something? Try waiting until later in the day. Researchers have identified a gene in mice that seems to influence memory recall at different times of day and tracked how it causes mice to be more forgetful ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Distraction, if consistent, does not hinder learning

Maybe distraction is not always the enemy of learning. It turns out in surprising Brown University psychology research that inconsistent distraction is the real problem. As long as our attention is as divided when we have ...


Walking and texting at the same time? Study says think again

(Medical Xpress) -- Talking on a cell phone or texting while walking may seem natural and easy, but it could be dangerous and result in walking errors and interfere with memory recall. Researchers at Stony Brook University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scents might help depressed individuals, new study says

Smelling a familiar scent can help depressed individuals recall specific autobiographical memories and potentially assist in their recovery, discovered a team of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Group work can harm memory

A new study by psychologists from the University of Liverpool and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) reveals that collaborating in a group to remember information is harmful.


Selectively reactivating nerve cells to retrieve a memory

Selectively increasing the levels of a certain protein in nerve cells that play a key role in memory storage boosts memory performance, as demonstrated in experiments on mice by a group of scientists at Heidelberg University ...

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