
The brain mechanism behind multitasking

Although "multitasking" is a popular buzzword, research shows that only 2% of the population actually multitasks efficiently. Most of us just shift back and forth between different tasks, a process that requires our brains ...


Forgetting is key to learning

Do you often feel overwhelmed with the amount of information coming at you? Forgotten your shopping list as soon as you've heard the sports results? Don't worry, it's all completely normal – and necessary – according ...


Neural basis of multitasking identified

What makes someone better at switching between different tasks? Looking for the mechanisms behind cognitive flexibility, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Germany's Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Closing your eyes boosts memory recall, new study finds

In a new study, published today in the journal Legal and Criminology Psychology, researchers from the University of Surrey have found further evidence to suggest that eyewitnesses to crimes remember more accurate details ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Brain training' may boost working memory, but not intelligence

Brain training games, apps, and websites are popular and it's not hard to see why—who wouldn't want to give their mental abilities a boost? New research suggests that brain training programs might strengthen your ability ...


How sleep helps brain learn motor task

You take your piano lesson, you go to sleep and when you wake up your fingers are better able to play that beautiful sequence of notes. How does sleep make that difference? A new study helps to explain what happens in your ...

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