
If you can remember it, you can remember it wrong

(Medical Xpress)—Native peoples in regions where cameras are uncommon sometimes react with caution when their picture is taken. The fear that something must have been stolen from them to create the photo is often inescapable. ...


Does chewing gum give your brain an edge?

(HealthDay)—That wad of gum you're chewing may be more than a breath-freshener—it might also boost your powers of concentration, a small new study suggests.


How will your thinking and memory change with age?

How well eight-year-olds score on a test of thinking skills may be a predictor of how they will perform on tests of thinking and memory skills when they are 70 years old, according to a study published in the October 30, ...


Pot use-low IQ link challenged in study

(HealthDay)—A new analysis challenges previous research that suggested teens put their long-term brainpower in danger when they smoke marijuana heavily.

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