
Quiet rest contributes to retaining detailed memories

A brief rest can result in the retention of more detailed memories, relative to being busy in the minutes following learning, according to new research from Heriot-Watt University.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer's disease

The research uses machine learning technology to look at structural features within the brain, including in regions not previously associated with Alzheimer's. The advantage of the technique is its simplicity and the fact ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's drug candidates reverse broader aging, study shows

In mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, the investigational drug candidates known as CMS121 and J147 improve memory and slow the degeneration of brain cells. Now, Salk researchers have shown how these compounds can also slow ...


Men and women process emotions differently, brain study shows

Women rate emotional images as more emotionally stimulating than men do and are more likely to remember them. However, there are no gender-related differences in emotional appraisal as far as neutral images are concerned. ...


How curiosity changes the brain to enhance learning

The more curious we are about a topic, the easier it is to learn information about that topic. New research publishing online October 2 in the Cell Press journal Neuron provides insights into what happens in our brains when ...

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