Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds youth suicide rates rise with community poverty levels

Research being presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2019 National Conference & Exhibition shows that U.S. children living in counties with the highest poverty level are more than one-third more likely to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The costs of mental effort

Every day, we are faced with countless decisions regarding cognitive control, or the process of inhibiting automatic or habitual responses in order to perform better at a task.


Forgetting uses more brain power than remembering

Choosing to forget something might take more mental effort than trying to remember it, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin discovered through neuroimaging.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists uncover why you can't decide what to order for lunch

If you've ever found yourself staring at a lengthy restaurant menu and been completely unable to decide what to order for lunch, you have experienced what psychologists call choice overload. The brain, faced with an overwhelming ...

Autism spectrum disorders

How coping mechanisms help autistic people

In a recent documentary, naturalist and wildlife presenter, Chris Packham, talked about having Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. It was a rare snapshot into the life of an adult with Asperger's – and especially so ...


Distracted much? New research may help explain why

American professional golfer Tom Kite said two things about distraction that, together, sum up the findings of a new study on the subject: First, "You can always find a distraction if you're looking for one." And second, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why the 'Johnny Depp Effect' doesn't always work

New psychology research from the University of Otago, Warwick Business School, and University of California, San Diego, is helping explain why male faces with feminine features are considered attractive in some contexts but ...

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