Medical research

Different kinds of white fat are important in disease

Excess white fat causes obesity, which in turn can drive diabetes and many other metabolic diseases that are growing at epidemic rates around the world. But all white fat is not born equal. For instance, "intra-abdominal" ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Women are more prone to hypoglycaemia than men

Just how important a gender-specific perspective and the personalised treatment of illnesses are between men and women is being demonstrated by two current studies at the MedUni Vienna, which are being led by Alexandra Kautzky-Willer ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new way to fight diseases? Stop viruses from stealing nutrients

The immune system has long been touted as the body's primary defense against invading viruses, with the understanding that a strong immune response swiftly knocks out an infection while a weak one allows it to linger, leading ...

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