Oncology & Cancer

Study gives new insight into how cancer metastasizes to the brain

When cancer that starts in the body metastasizes to the brain, it is almost always lethal, in part because so few treatment options exist. Now a new study by Wistar scientists published in Nature Communications shows that ...

Medical research

Mechanisms behind aggressive cancer metastases uncovered

Breast cancer spreading to other organs usually heralds a poorer prognosis. Researchers at the University and University Hospital of Basel have discovered a process that helps breast cancer cells implant themselves in certain ...

Medical research

Study identifies new treatment target for metastatic cancer

A new University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study reveals more about changes that happen to cancer cells when they metastasize and identifies a promising target for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.

Medical research

How cancer cells muscle their way into other organs

The biomechanics of how cancer cells escape from the bloodstream to invade other organs has been described for the first time by researchers from UCL, MIT and their collaborators.

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