
Mapping the embryonic epigenome

A large, multi-institutional research team involved in the NIH Epigenome Roadmap Project has published a sweeping analysis in the current issue of the journal Cell of how genes are turned on and off to direct early human ...


Researchers one step closer to preventing preeclampsia

Researchers have identified several differences in DNA methylation in people who experienced preeclampsia during pregnancy, according to a new study from Oregon Health & Science University. The study also revealed these differences ...


Post-COVID syndrome visible in DNA, shows study

A reprogramming of which genes are active, and which are not, is visible in post-COVID sufferers. This is shown in a study from Linköping University, Sweden, on a small group of individuals. The researchers can see that ...


New insights into how genes turn on and off

Researchers at UC Davis and the University of British Columbia have shed new light on methylation, a critical process that helps control how genes are expressed. Working with placentas, the team discovered that 37 percent ...


How epigenetics may help us slow down the ageing clock

Humankind has a longstanding obsession with eternal youth. Stories about elixirs of life and fountains that quench one's thirst for immortality have stirred our imagination since time immemorial. Different versions of these ...

Oncology & Cancer

Unforeseen new drug target discovered for acute myeloid leukemia

A study has found an unexpected new drug target for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) that could open new avenues to develop effective treatments against this potentially lethal disease. Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger ...

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