
DOT1L gene variants associated with a new neurological disorder

A study from the laboratory of Dr. Hugo J. Bellen, a distinguished service professor at Baylor College of Medicine and a principal investigator at the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (Duncan NRI) at Texas ...

Medical research

research shows health inequalities imprinted on DNA

(Medical Xpress) -- New research from the University of Glasgow shows that the health of the city’s most deprived residents could be impaired before they are even born.

Oncology & Cancer

Epigenetic 'priming' boosts ovarian cancer immunotherapy

An epigenetic inhibitor can boost immune system activity in patients with ovarian cancer, making them more suitable for treatment with immunotherapy, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of ...


Genetic guides to epigenetics

Dirk Schübeler and his group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) identify determinants that set epigenetic marks along the genome. The new study, published in Nature, shows that genetic activity ...

Medical research

Stem cell studies tune into hearing regeneration

A deafened adult cannot recover the ability to hear, because the sensory hearing cells of the inner ear don't regenerate after damage. In two new studies, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences ...

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