Medical research

Development of gut microbes and gut immunity linked

Studying twins from birth through age 2, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that the gut's immune system develops in sync with the gut's tens of trillions of microbes. The findings ...

Overweight & Obesity

Exercise, more than diet, key to preventing obesity

Two factors—metabolism and gut microbes - have been credited by researchers as key players in the fight against obesity. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether exercise or diet better promotes metabolism and ...

Medical research

National project to harness microbes for health, environment

We share our bodies and surroundings with teeming communities of microbes that are crucial to the health of people and the planet, and now the Obama administration is beginning a major project to better understand those invisible ...

Medical research

Three lessons gut microbes have taught us about antibiotics

Antibiotics have proven to be a double-edged sword: capable of killing a range of bacteria that cause infections, but also depleting our gut microbes, impairing our immune system, and increasing vulnerability to infection ...

Medical research

Antibiotics allow gut pathogens to 'breathe'

Antibiotics are essential for fighting bacterial infection, but, paradoxically, they can also make the body more prone to infection and diarrhea.

Medical research

New study expands potential applications for stool transplants

For the first time, scientists studying stool transplants have been able to track which strains of bacteria from a donor take hold in a patient's gut after a transplant. The team, led by EMBL with collaborators at Wageningen ...

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