Health informatics

Nasal microbiota is potential diagnostic biomarker for sepsis

The nasal microbiota of intensive care unit (ICU) patients effectively distinguishes sepsis from non-septic cases and outperforms analyzing the gut microbiota to predict sepsis, according to a new study published in Microbiology ...

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Microbiota is a monotypic] genus of evergreen coniferous shrub in the cypress family Cupressaceae, containing only one species, Microbiota decussata. The plant is native and endemic to a limited area of the Sikhote-Alin mountains in Primorsky Krai - in the Russian Far East region of Western Siberia in Northeast Asia.

Microbiota decussata has never acquired a vernacular or common name in English, though Siberian Cypress and Russian Arborvitae have been proposed.

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