HIV: Reprogramming cells to control infection

Cells from the rare individuals who naturally control HIV infection have been the focus of investigation for nearly 15 years with the aim of elucidating their specific features. Following research on the ANRS CO21 CODEX and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Targeting telomerase as therapeutic strategy for melanoma

Targeting telomerase was effective at killing NRAS-mutant melanoma cells, and the impact was further enhanced when the strategy was paired with an inhibitor of mitochondrial function, according to study results by The Wistar ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene fusion shifts cell activity into high gear, causing some cancer

The fusion of two adjacent genes can cause cancer by kicking mitochondria into overdrive and increasing the amount of fuel available for rampant cell growth, researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have discovered. ...


Mitochondria adopt a crosswise pathway for decoding their genome

Mitochondria, true energy power plants of cells, are able to release the energy contained in food by means of the oxygen which we inhale. These intracellular organelles possess their own DNA, and proteins derived from these ...


Statin use associated with less physical activity

One of the longest studies of its type has found that use of statins in older men is associated with less physical activity, a significant issue for a population that's already sedentary.

Medical research

Loss of essential blood cell gene leads to anemia

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) have discovered a new gene that regulates hemoglobin synthesis during red blood cell formation. The findings advance the biomedical community's understanding and treatment ...

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