Oncology & Cancer

Putting the brakes on tumor stealth

New research undertaken at Monash University has shed new light on how some cancers are able to escape our immune system.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Cross-species links identified for osteoarthritis

New research from the University of Liverpool, published today in the journal npj Systems Biology and Applications, has identified 'cell messages' that could help identify the early stages of osteoarthritis (OA).


Researchers pin down the genetics of going under

(Medical Xpress)—Falling asleep in your bed at night and being "put to sleep" under general anesthesia – as well as waking up in the morning or coming out of anesthesia – aren't quite the same thing, yet they share ...


Engineered T cells promote long-term organ transplant acceptance

Organ transplant rejection is a major problem in transplantation medicine. Suppressing the immune system to prevent organ rejection, however, opens the door to life-threatening infections. Researchers at the University of ...


How the body's defenses keep their weapons in check

The signaling molecules of the immune system should trigger a response only where necessary. To prevent a life-threatening spread to the rest of the body, connective tissue can absorb these molecules like a sponge. A team ...

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