Autism spectrum disorders

Study shows gene defect's role in autism-like behavior

Scientists affiliated with the UC Davis MIND Institute have discovered how a defective gene causes brain changes that lead to the atypical social behavior characteristic of autism. The research offers a potential target for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rejected Alzheimer's drug shows new potential

An international team of scientists led by researchers at Mount Sinai School Medicine have discovered that a drug that had previously yielded conflicting results in clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease effectively stopped ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers link two biological risk factors for schizophrenia

(Medical Xpress) -- Johns Hopkins researchers say they have discovered a cause-and-effect relationship between two well-established biological risk factors for schizophrenia previously believed to be independent of one another.


When being scared twice is enough to remember

One of the brain's jobs is to help us figure out what's important enough to be remembered. Scientists at Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University have achieved some insight into how fleeting experiences become ...


Cocaine and the teen brain: Study offers insights into addiction

When first exposed to cocaine, the adolescent brain launches a strong defensive reaction designed to minimize the drug's effects, Yale and other scientists have found. Now two new studies by a Yale team identify key genes ...

Oncology & Cancer

Targeting "anti-tumor" genes to provide better treatment for leukemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is one of the most common blood cancers in adults. The disease originates in B cells—the part of the immune system that produces antibodies—and then evolves slowly, typically affecting ...

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