
New biomarker predicts whether neurons will regenerate

Neurons, the main cells that make up our brain and spinal cord, are among the slowest cells to regenerate after an injury, and many neurons fail to regenerate entirely. While scientists have made progress in understanding ...

Oncology & Cancer

Targeting HPV to prevent cancer

Researchers in the University of Delaware College of Health Sciences Department of Medical and Molecular Sciences are playing a pivotal role on the global health stage as they investigate the most common sexually transmitted ...

Oncology & Cancer

Detecting risk of metastatic prostate cancer in Black men

To explore why prostate cancer disproportionately sickens and kills Black men, researchers are looking to another disorder, diabetes, which alters metabolism. They used this approach in a preliminary clinical trial and today ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Texas A&M research aims to improve Lyme disease diagnostics

Research by two Texas A&M University scientists is focused on improving Lyme disease treatment outcomes by developing a test that's both more accurate and more efficient than the current test for the infection.

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