Psychology & Psychiatry

Prescription opioid use linked to mood disorders

People who are prescribed opioids for pain relief have a higher risk of developing mood disorders such as anxiety, University of Queensland researchers have found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Treating bipolar disorder

Dear Mayo Clinic: What's the difference between bipolar 1 disorder and bipolar 2 disorder? How are they diagnosed? Is the treatment different?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bothersome tinnitus linked to neuroticism

People with 'neurotic' tendencies are more likely to be troubled by their tinnitus, a new study involving researchers at The University of Nottingham, has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep and mood in bipolar disorder

Sleep loss can trigger relapse, particularly in the form of mania, in people with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, finds a study by Cardiff University.

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