
Personalized pain management

There is an urgent need to identify reliable predictors of opioid responses to develop personalized opioid therapy for chronic pain management. A goal is to target opioid therapy to patients most likely to benefit from treatment ...


Change in brain cells linked to opiate addiction, narcolepsy

Two discoveries—one in the brains of people with heroin addiction and the other in the brains of sleepy mice—shed light on chemical messengers in the brain that regulate sleep and addiction, UCLA researchers say.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Patients use about half of opioids prescribed after hysterectomy

(HealthDay)—Gynecologists prescribe about twice the amount of opioids than patients use after hysterectomy for benign, nonobstetric indications, according to a study published online Nov. 7 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

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