Medical research

Some mother cells kick DNA damage 'down the road' to offspring

A new University of Colorado Boulder study has shown that some dividing human cells are "kicking the can down the road," passing on low-level DNA damage to offspring, causing daughter cells to pause in a quiescent, or dormant, ...

Medical research

Microfilter allows non-invasive diagnosis of fetal abnormalities

A team of scientists at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Institute of Microelectronics (IME) has fabricated a microchip that can filter fetal red blood cells from the mother's circulation. Retrieving ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Study shows environmental influences may cause autism in some cases

Research by scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University may help explain how some cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can result from environmental influences rather than gene mutations. The ...


Fast-acting mothers' milk for healthier babies

Human breastmilk responds quickly to protect the child when there is an infection in mothers or babies, according to new international research led by The University of Western Australia.

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