Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New research shows Parkinson's disease origins in the gut

In experiments in mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found additional evidence that Parkinson's disease originates among cells in the gut and travels up the body's neurons to the brain. The study, described ...


From depression to Parkinson's disease: The healing power of dance

Why do we stop dancing when we grow up? Why do we disconnect and alienate ourselves from the body? It is surprising to me that dance/movement therapy (DMT) is not more popular within the fields of psychology and psychotherapy ...


Some learning is a whole-brain affair, study shows

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have successfully used a laser-assisted imaging tool to "see" what happens in brain cells of mice learning to reach out and grab a pellet of food. Their experiments, they say, add to ...


Don't txt n drive: Teens not getting msg

Teens can get hundreds of text messages a day, but one message they aren't getting is that they shouldn't text and drive. Nearly 43 percent of high school students of driving age who were surveyed in 2011 reported texting ...


Neurons coordinate to fine-tune motor control

Whether it is playing a piano sonata or acing a tennis serve, the brain needs to orchestrate precise, coordinated control over the body's many muscles. Moreover, there needs to be some kind of feedback from the senses should ...

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