
Simple urine test for motor neurone disease

A researcher at Flinders University has developed a simple urine test that gives a quantitative measure of the severity of motor neurone disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotionally charged facial expressions can influence actions

A face with an emotionally charged expression, especially if the emotion is anger, can influence the course of our actions, according to a study by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) of Trieste published ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Implications of dual-tasking on dementia research

You turn the street corner and bump into an old friend. After the initial greetings and exclamations of "It's so good to see you!" and "Has it been that long?", your friend inquires as to where you are going. You wave your ...


'Lightning bolts' in the brain show learning in action

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have captured images of the underlying biological activity within brain cells and their tree-like extensions, or dendrites, in mice that show how their brains sort, store and make ...


Copycat behaviour may assist stroke rehabilitation

Stroke survivors with impaired mobility in their arms appear to significantly improve in both motor function and confidence when they observe an individual performing a task and then mimic their actions.


How sleep aids visual task learning

As any indignant teacher would scold, students must be awake to learn. But what science is showing with increasing sophistication is how the brain uses sleep for learning as well. At the annual meeting of the Society for ...


How sleep helps brain learn motor task

You take your piano lesson, you go to sleep and when you wake up your fingers are better able to play that beautiful sequence of notes. How does sleep make that difference? A new study helps to explain what happens in your ...

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