Psychology & Psychiatry

How toddler-mother attachment impacts adolescent brain and behavior

Interpersonal trust is a crucial component of healthy relationships. When we interact with strangers, we quickly gage whether we can trust them. And those important social skills may be shaped by our earliest relationship ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Racial differences in Alzheimer's disease unveiled

African-Americans may be twice as likely as Caucasian Americans to develop Alzheimer's disease, but nobody knows why because studies investigating the underlying causes of illness have historically drawn from a nearly all-white ...


Scientists watch the brain's lining heal after a head injury

Following head injury, the protective lining that surrounds the brain may get a little help from its friends: immune cells that spring into action to assist with repairs. In a new study, scientists from the National Institutes ...


7T MRI offers new insights into multiple sclerosis

Increased immune system activity along the surface of the brain, or meningeal inflammation, may be important for understanding how multiple sclerosis (MS) progresses from the most common and earliest form of the disease known ...

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