
New device approved for fecal incontinence

(HealthDay)—The Fenix Continence Restoration System has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat an inability to control bowel movements for people who can't tolerate or use other approved methods.

Medical research

Bone drug protects stem cells from ageing

Stem cells can be protected from the effects of ageing by a drug currently used to treat patients with osteoporosis, a breakthrough study has found.


Research shows benefits, danger of Ultraman competition

A team of Florida State University researchers found that the endurance competition called the Ultraman can lead to large reductions in body fat, but also causes temporary muscle damage and potentially insulin resistance.

Medical research

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a stem cell disease

A new study from The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa is poised to completely change our understanding of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and pave the way for far more effective treatments.


Common 'heart attack' blood test may predict future hypertension

Analysis of blood samples from more than 5,000 people suggests that a more sensitive version of a blood test long used to verify heart muscle damage from heart attacks could also identify people on their way to developing ...

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