
Expert discusses FDA approval of OTC naloxone

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a recommendation that naloxone, the opioid overdose reversal drug commonly known as Narcan, be made available over the counter without a prescription.


Patient education urged to prevent opioid OD after sobriety

(HealthDay)—The American Medical Association (AMA) encourages patient education to raise awareness of the risks associated with opioid use after a prolonged period of sobriety, according to a report in the organization's ...


Experts welcome new guidance on take-home opiate antidote

Writing in The BMJ this week, Professor John Strang from the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) and the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust, and a group ...


Opioid overdose rates 'impossible' to ignore

(Medical Xpress)—Opioid over­dose now kills more people than both AIDS and homi­cides in America and has sur­passed auto­mo­bile acci­dents as the leading cause of acci­dental death in many states. According to the ...


Opioid overdose prevention programs may reduce deaths

Community opioid overdose prevention programs (OOPPs)—including the use of naloxone for rapid drug reversal—can improve bystander responses to overdose of heroin and related drugs, according to a review in the June Journal ...

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