
The language of neural cells

Imagine if we could under­stand the lan­guage two neu­rons use to com­mu­ni­cate. We might learn some­thing about how thoughts and con­scious­ness are formed. At the very least, our improved under­standing of neuron ...

Medical research

The secret life of serotonin

As a graduate student, Chris Skipwith studied cardiovascular disease and was particularly interested in the biophysics of the proteins involved in blood clotting. "We were very interested in how clotting is related to the ...


Nanosensors are any biological, chemical, or surgical sensory points used to convey information about nanoparticles to the macroscopic world. Their use mainly include various medicinal purposes and as gateways to building other nanoproducts, such as computer chips that work at the nanoscale and nanorobots. Presently, there are several ways proposed to make nanosensors, including top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly, and molecular self-assembly.

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