
Smartphones uncover how the world sleeps

A pioneering study of worldwide sleep patterns combines math modeling, mobile apps and big data to parse the roles society and biology each play in setting sleep schedules.

Medical research

A key switch in biological clocks

Just as we abide by an external time schedule to eat, sleep, and go to work, our body is similarly dictated by internal clocks. Known as circadian rhythms, these daily cycles keep us on a regular 24-hour day and are involved ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Let the sun in: More natural light at home lightens your mood

It's safe to say that when searching for somewhere to live most people prefer open, airy spaces over dark and dingy ones. Now, new research suggests why: Homes filled with lots of natural light makes for happier residents.


How sleep habits can affect weight

About one in three adults in the United States report routinely not getting enough sleep. Sleep insufficiency is associated with increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems, injuries, loss ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Seven tips to get your sleep cycle back on track during lockdown

You might have noticed your normal sleep pattern has changed. Some of us may be sleeping more, and some of us may be sleeping less. Life has changed dramatically for many of us, with our usual daily routine—including commutes, ...

Medical research

Minimizing disruption, maximizing sleep in the hospital

If you have ever been to a hospital, either as a patient or a caregiver, you know how hard it can be to get a good night's sleep. The beeps, chatter, code alarms, and clatter that go along with hospital care can be omnipresent, ...


Promoting healthy summer sleep routines for your family

The lazy days of summer can be peaceful and relaxing, but they also can wreak havoc on your body's internal clock. Longer days, evening outdoors activities and a lack of school the next morning can throw even the most conscientious ...

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