Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study of natural gas flaring finds high risks to babies

Researchers from USC and UCLA have found that exposure to flaring—the burning off of excess natural gas—at oil and gas production sites is associated with 50% higher odds of preterm birth, compared with no exposure.


Calls to curb infant formula's carbon footprint

Urgent action is needed to protect breastfeeding and reduce formula's carbon footprint—especially for "unnecessary" toddler milks, according to an expert at The Australian National University (ANU).


Pennsylvania to fund research into fracking health dangers

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said Friday his administration will spend $3 million on a pair of studies to explore the potential health effects of the natural gas industry, taking action after months of impassioned pleas by ...


Some smart ways to jumpstart your recycling program

(HealthDay)—Working toward a healthier environment involves more than separating glass and plastic. Try a new take on the three "R's"—recycle, reduce and reuse—to save money, energy and natural resources.


Use of dirty heating oil in NYC concentrated uptown

Residential buildings that continued to burn residual fuel oil were concentrated in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx, as of late 2015. Compared to cleaner heating sources such as natural gas, these dirty fuels produce high ...


Fracking chemicals tied to reduced sperm count in mice

Prenatal exposure to a mixture of chemicals used in the oil and natural gas drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, at levels found in the environment lowered sperm counts in male mice when they reached ...

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