Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify how to prevent cancer metastases

Metastases can develop in the body even years after apparently successful cancer treatment. They originate from cancer cells that migrated from the original tumor to other organs, and which can lie there inactive for a considerable ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Precision rehabilitation may prevent osteoarthritis

Athletes and sports fans know that a torn ACL knocks a player out of the game, requires surgical repair and involves a long recovery. But for many injured athletes, being temporarily sidelined is only the beginning of a lifelong ...

Medical research

Scientists isolate protein linking exercise to health benefits

A team led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has isolated a natural hormone from muscle cells that triggers some of the key health benefits of exercise. They say the protein, which serves as a chemical messenger, ...


Defect in A20 gene expression causes rheumatoid arthritis

Researchers from VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) and Ghent University have shown that a defective gene can contribute to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, an often-crippling inflammation of the joints that afflicts ...


New discovery related to gum disease

A University of Louisville scientist has found a way to prevent inflammation and bone loss surrounding the teeth by blocking a natural signaling pathway of the enzyme GSK3b, which plays an important role in directing the ...

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