
Being in nature: Good for mind, body and nutrition

In late 2020, Canadian doctors made headlines for "prescribing nature," or recommended time outdoors based on research that suggests people who spent two or more hours in nature per week improved their health and well-being. ...


How parks and green spaces can improve your health

Parks and green spaces provide a variety of health benefits by promoting physical activity, connection to nature and opportunities for community engagement. Nature-based programs can even be prescribed by health care providers ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Precision rehabilitation may prevent osteoarthritis

Athletes and sports fans know that a torn ACL knocks a player out of the game, requires surgical repair and involves a long recovery. But for many injured athletes, being temporarily sidelined is only the beginning of a lifelong ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reshaping modern play spaces for children's health

A world first review of the importance of nature play could transform children's play spaces, supporting investment in city and urban parks, while also delivering important opportunities for children's physical, social and ...

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