Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q and A: Dupuytren's contracture

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a painless mass in my palm that has been getting larger over the past year or so. It is firm, and when I extend my fingers, I feel it stretch like it is under tension. What is this mass, and how do ...


Researchers link liver disease and drug metabolism

Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy have discovered that nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), an increasingly common but often undiagnosed liver disease, could have significant medical implications ...

Oncology & Cancer

Infection is most common complication of prostate biopsy

(HealthDay)—The most common complication of prostate biopsy is infection, with mild bleeding also reported, according to an update of the American Urological Association White Paper published in the August issue of The ...

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