Psychology & Psychiatry

Three ways to become more resilient to failure

Failure may be an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful when it does happen. It can be be particularly hard facing setbacks in your 20s and 30s, since this is the first time many of us are experiencing ...


Dietary supplement found to improve concentration levels

The PROFITH CTS-977 research group from the University of Granada (UGR) has tested the effects of a multi-ingredient dietary nootropic on concentration levels and cognitive performance. Nootropics are cognitive enhancers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The language of loneliness and depression, revealed in social media

Loneliness is a risk factor for depression, but it can also be a symptom. Mental health professionals who treat patients experiencing both must navigate the complex relationship between the two conditions, yet also understand ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Three reasons why strong perfumes give you a headache

Humans can smell over 1 trillion odours. But no two people will react in quite the same way to the same smell. While there are some smells almost everyone agrees are unpleasant (such as paint thinner or rotten food), our ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Building 'bravery muscles' to fight rising youth anxiety

Amid the ongoing mental health crisis among America's youth, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation earlier this year that physicians begin screening children as young as 8 for anxiety. R. Meredith ...

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