
Teaching expectant mothers to bond with their babies

Up to a third of mothers don't bond well with their babies after birth, causing intense emotional distress to both mother and baby. Now researchers have found that they can train at-risk expectant mothers to recognize and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: The impact of childhood bullying on adult mental health

During National Bullying Prevention Month, it must be acknowledged that the impact of bullying extends well beyond childhood. Adults who were bullied as children may be at greater risk for depressive outcomes.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why grinding your teeth might not always be a bad thing

According to the Council of Dentists of Spain, bruxism is the dental diagnosis that has increased the most since the pandemic, almost quadrupling. In fact, its incidence among the population has gone from 6% to 23%.

Psychology & Psychiatry

At which age are we happiest?

An evaluation of over 400 samples shows how subjective well-being develops over the course of a lifespan.

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