
Reactions to everyday stressors predict future health

(Medical Xpress)—Contrary to popular perception, stressors don't cause health problems—it's people's reactions to the stressors that determine whether they will suffer health consequences, according to researchers at ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exposure to violence has long-term stress effects among adolescents

Children who are exposed to community violence continue to exhibit a physical stress response up to a year after the exposure, suggesting that exposure to violence may have long-term negative health consequences, according ...


Accentuating the positive memories for sleep

Sleep plays a powerful role in preserving our memories. But while recent research shows that wakefulness may cloud memories of negative or traumatic events, a new study has found that wakefulness also degrades positive memories. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep preserves and enhances unpleasant emotional memories

A recent study by sleep researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is the first to suggest that a person's emotional response after witnessing an unsettling picture or traumatic event is greatly reduced if the ...

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