
Your thoughts can harm your neck and back during lifting tasks

The mental distress of cognitive dissonance—encountering information that conflicts with how we act or what we believe—can lead to added pressure on the neck and low back during lifting and lowering tasks, new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A clever way to detect narcissism

A team of psychologists at the University of Helsinki, working with a colleague from Millsaps College, has discovered, via experimentation, a clever, new way to detect narcissism in a person. In their study, reported in the ...


Holding information in mind may mean storing it among synapses

Between the time you read the Wi-Fi password off the café's menu board and the time you can get back to your laptop to enter it, you have to hold it in mind. If you've ever wondered how your brain does that, you are asking ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Three ways to become more resilient to failure

Failure may be an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful when it does happen. It can be be particularly hard facing setbacks in your 20s and 30s, since this is the first time many of us are experiencing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Botox influences the control of emotions in the brain

The bacterial toxin botulinum toxin (BTX)—colloquially known as Botox—is probably known to most people as a remedy for wrinkles. But botulinum toxin can do even more: if it is injected into the forehead, for example, ...


When a task adds more steps, this circuit helps you notice

Life is full of processes to learn and then relearn when they become more elaborate. One day you log in to an app with just a password, then the next day you also need a code texted to you. One day you can just pop your favorite ...

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