
How do parents' brains react to feedback about their child?

Parents appear to be extremely sensitive to feedback they receive about their child. Just how sensitive depends on the ('rose-tinted') glasses through which they look at their child. All this can be seen in the brain. Neuroscientist ...


Don't underestimate the developing brains of children

Children's brains react in the same way to social feedback as adults' brains. But handling frustration or aggression after being rejected is a different matter, developmental psychologist Michelle Achterberg has discovered. ...


Pedal to the metal: Speeding up treatments for ALS

A therapeutic intervention for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, could be on the horizon thanks to unexpected findings by University of Arizona researchers.


Atom bomb tests used to age the immune system

The pulse of environmental carbon-14 released by atom bomb tests in the early years of the Cold War has allowed researchers to understand how humans can still mount an immune response to diverse pathogens well into their ...

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