Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Serious dating can create serious challenges for teens

Considering a host of social pressures and stresses that adolescents experience, the addition of a relationship to the equation can have a negative impact, according to a study from BYU professor of family life Adam Rogers.


Life after cigarettes

Life without cigarettes is not all doom and gloom. In fact, successful quitters are more satisfied with their lives and feel healthier, both one year and three years afterwards, than those who continue to smoke. That's according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A grateful state: Gratitude is vital to well-being, research shows

Before we eat Thanksgiving dinner at my house, along with saying grace, each of the 20 or so people at the table takes a turn lighting a candle and expressing gratitude. The appreciation can be lighthearted - for mashed potatoes ...

Oncology & Cancer

Rates of breast reconstruction after mastectomy in Canada

Few patients in Canada undergo breast reconstruction after mastectomy, despite its safety as a procedure and the positive psychological benefits, states a review article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

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