
Breastfed Vietnamese babies have fewer health issues

Vietnamese infants who are fed with infant formula or prelacteal foods such as water and honey soon after birth are more likely to experience higher rates of hospitalization and childhood illnesses during their first year ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Listening to music before a competition can boost your performance

If you exercise regularly, you have probably noticed that you increase the effort if you have music playing in the background. Researchers know this as the ergogenic effect; the right music makes you feel less tired and produces ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some people overeat when they're upset

The idea of eating a tub of ice cream to cope with being upset has become a bit cliche. Though some might not need a tub of chocolate swirl to help perk themselves up again, there do seem to be systematic differences in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early family system types predict children's emotional attention

The type of family system during pregnancy and the baby's first year predicts the way the child processes emotional information. The results of a ten-year longitudinal study conducted at the University of Tampere highlight ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Evidence links precarious employment and poor mental health

A new paper co-authored by King's researchers finds that insecure work can deprive people not only of the financial benefits of secure employment but also the social benefits of regular routine, identity, valued social status ...


Jealousy in a romantic relationship can lead to alcohol problems

People who depend on their relationship to make them feel good about themselves are more likely to drown their sorrows if they believe their partner is cheating, suggests new research. The study, published in Addictive Behaviors, ...

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