Psychology & Psychiatry

Study confirms link between school climate and violence

School violence is a very important social issue world-wide. It poses a significant threat to the health, achievement, and well-being of students. Although the most highly published incidents involve serious physical violence, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Three ways to become more resilient to failure

Failure may be an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful when it does happen. It can be be particularly hard facing setbacks in your 20s and 30s, since this is the first time many of us are experiencing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why everyday decisions feel so stressful, and what to do about it

Almost every morning I face the same dilemmas. Whether I should wake up my wife with a kiss or let her sleep longer. Should I get out of bed or just press the snooze button? And that is even before I have had my first cup ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Joking about COVID-19 won't create marital bliss

Making jokes about COVID-19 to alleviate stress is not necessarily a good way to communicate with your spouse or keep your relationship intact, according to a study by Rutgers and other researchers.


Call for workers to rise up

A James Cook University study has found nearly three quarters of office workers believe there is a negative relationship between sitting down all day at work and their health - and that bosses are crucial to helping solve ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Talking with a friend can ease the sting of being left out

Small, simple forms of social connection—such as a conversation with a friend, or even just looking forward to one—can lessen the negative feelings and thoughts that come with being socially excluded, according to a new ...


Unexpected outcomes for elderly couples who stop driving

The ability to drive can be central to a person's identity and can be an important expression of independence. When the elderly become unable to drive, due to age or deteriorating health, their emotional well-being can decline ...

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